Haskell-like feature supports in C++
Customization point objects are here. More...
Variables | |
template<class F > | |
constexpr detail::empty_op< F > | empty {} |
empty :: f a More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::combine_op > | combine {} |
combine :: f a -> f a -> f a More... | |
template<class F > | |
constexpr partial< detail::pure_op< F > > | pure {} |
pure :: a -> f a More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::seq_apply_op > | seq_apply {} |
seq_apply :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::liftA2_op > | liftA2 {} |
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::discard2nd_op > | discard2nd {} |
discard2nd :: f a -> f b -> f a More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::discard1st_op > | discard1st {} |
discard1st :: f a -> f b -> f b More... | |
template<std::size_t N> | |
constexpr partial< detail::liftA_op< N > > | liftA {} |
liftA :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> ... -> z) -> f a -> f b -> ... -> f z More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::fmap_op > | fmap {} |
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::replace2nd_op > | replace2nd {} |
replace2nd :: a -> f b -> f a More... | |
constexpr auto | replace1st = flip % mpc::replace2nd |
replace1st :: Functor f => f a -> b -> f b More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::bind_op > | bind {} |
bind :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b More... | |
template<class M > | |
constexpr auto | returns = mpc::pure<M> |
returns :: a -> m a More... | |
constexpr partial< detail::karrow_op > | karrow {} |
karrow :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c) More... | |
template<class ST > | |
constexpr partial< detail::state_op< ST > > | state {} |
state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> m a | |
template<class ST > | |
constexpr detail::gets_op< ST > | gets {} |
gets :: m s | |
template<class ST > | |
constexpr partial< detail::put_op< ST > > | put {} |
put :: s -> m () | |
template<class ST > | |
constexpr partial< detail::modify_op< std::remove_cvref_t< ST > > > | modify {} |
modify :: MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m () | |
template<class ST > | |
constexpr partial< detail::getss_op< std::remove_cvref_t< ST > > > | getss {} |
getss :: MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a | |
template<class S > | |
constexpr partial< detail::make_State_op< S > > | make_State {} |
constexpr partial< detail::run_State_op > | run_State {} |
constexpr partial< detail::eval_State_op > | eval_State {} |
constexpr partial< detail::exec_State_op > | exec_State {} |
constexpr partial< detail::map_State_op > | map_State {} |
constexpr auto | with_State = with_StateT |
template<class S > | |
constexpr partial< detail::make_StateT_op< S > > | make_StateT {} |
constexpr partial< detail::run_StateT_op > | run_StateT {} |
constexpr partial< detail::eval_StateT_op > | eval_StateT {} |
constexpr partial< detail::exec_StateT_op > | exec_StateT {} |
constexpr partial< detail::map_StateT_op > | map_StateT {} |
constexpr partial< detail::with_StateT_op > | with_StateT {} |
template<class TR > | |
constexpr partial< detail::lift_op< TR > > | lift {} |
lift :: (Monad m) => m a -> t m a | |
constexpr partial< detail::isalnum_op > | isalnum {} |
Partially applicable std::isalnum. | |
constexpr partial< detail::isalpha_op > | isalpha {} |
Partially applicable std::isalpha. | |
constexpr partial< detail::islower_op > | islower {} |
Partially applicable std::islower. | |
constexpr partial< detail::isupper_op > | isupper {} |
Partially applicable std::isupper. | |
constexpr partial< detail::isdigit_op > | isdigit {} |
Partially applicable std::isdigit. | |
constexpr partial< detail::isxdigit_op > | isxdigit {} |
Partially applicable std::isxdigit. | |
constexpr partial< detail::iscntrl_op > | iscntrl {} |
Partially applicable std::iscntrl. | |
constexpr partial< detail::isgraph_op > | isgraph {} |
Partially applicable std::isgraph. | |
constexpr partial< detail::isspace_op > | isspace {} |
Partially applicable std::isspace. | |
constexpr partial< detail::isblank_op > | isblank {} |
Partially applicable std::isblank. | |
constexpr partial< detail::isprint_op > | isprint {} |
Partially applicable std::isprint. | |
constexpr partial< detail::ispunct_op > | ispunct {} |
Partially applicable std::ispunct. | |
constexpr partial< detail::make_Identity_op > | make_Identity {} |
constexpr partial< detail::run_Identity_op > | run_Identity {} |
constexpr partial< detail::cons_op > | cons |
constexpr partial< detail::uncons_op > | uncons |
constexpr partial< detail::append_op > | append |
constexpr partial< detail::foldr_op > | foldr |
constexpr partial< detail::sequence_op > | sequence |
constexpr partial< detail::compose_op > | compose |
Function composition. | |
constexpr partial< detail::constant_op > | constant |
Returns a unary function always returning the first input. | |
constexpr partial< detail::flip_op > | flip |
Returns a binary function which flips the first and second argument. | |
constexpr partial< detail::_fst::get_op< 0 > > | fst |
Returns the first element of the given tuple-like object. | |
constexpr partial< detail::_fst::get_op< 1 > > | snd |
Returns the second element of the given tuple-like object. | |
constexpr partial< std::identity > | identity {} |
Identity mapping. | |
constexpr partial< std::plus<> > | plus |
Partially applicable std::plus<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::minus<> > | minus |
Partially applicable std::minus<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::multiplies<> > | multiplies |
Partially applicable std::multiplies<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::divides<> > | divides |
Partially applicable std::divides<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::modulus<> > | modulus |
Partially applicable std::modulus<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::negate<> > | negate |
Partially applicable std::negate<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::ranges::equal_to > | equal_to |
Partially applicable std::ranges::equal_to. | |
constexpr partial< std::ranges::not_equal_to > | not_equal_to |
Partially applicable std::ranges::not_equal_to. | |
constexpr partial< std::ranges::greater > | greater |
Partially applicable std::ranges::greater. | |
constexpr partial< std::ranges::less > | less |
Partially applicable std::ranges::less. | |
constexpr partial< std::ranges::greater_equal > | greater_equal |
Partially applicable std::ranges::greater_equal. | |
constexpr partial< std::ranges::less_equal > | less_equal |
Partially applicable std::ranges::less_equal. | |
constexpr partial< std::logical_and<> > | logical_and |
Partially applicable std::logical_and<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::logical_or<> > | logical_or |
Partially applicable std::logical_or<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::logical_not<> > | logical_not |
Partially applicable std::logical_not<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::bit_and<> > | bit_and |
Partially applicable std::bit_and<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::bit_or<> > | bit_or |
Partially applicable std::bit_or<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::bit_xor<> > | bit_xor |
Partially applicable std::bit_xor<>. | |
constexpr partial< std::bit_not<> > | bit_not |
Partially applicable std::bit_not<>. | |
Customization point objects are here.
inlineconstexpr |
bind :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>=) in Haskell
inlineconstexpr |
combine :: f a -> f a -> f a
(<|>) in Haskell
inlineconstexpr |
discard1st :: f a -> f b -> f b
(*>) in Haskell
inlineconstexpr |
discard2nd :: f a -> f b -> f a
(<*) in Haskell
inlineconstexpr |
empty :: f a
Use operator* to access the value.
inlineconstexpr |
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
inlineconstexpr |
karrow :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
(>=>) in Haskell
inlineconstexpr |
liftA :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> ... -> z) -> f a -> f b -> ... -> f z
inlineconstexpr |
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
inlineconstexpr |
pure :: a -> f a
inlineconstexpr |
replace1st :: Functor f => f a -> b -> f b
($>) in Haskell
inlineconstexpr |
replace2nd :: a -> f b -> f a
(<$) in Haskell
inlineconstexpr |
returns :: a -> m a
inlineconstexpr |
seq_apply :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) in Haskell